Welcome to the CHISL

CHISL is designed for information security leaders working within healthcare and tests both technical proficiency and leadership skills. It is developed to integrate the elements of information security management – Policy, Strategic and Continuity Planning, Programs and Personnel – into a coordinated enterprise operation.

CHIME is a professional organization dedicated to support, serve, and connect exceptional leaders transforming health and care. We serve senior level digital health leaders worldwide through leadership programs, quality education, and exceptional Certification Opportunities.

Successful CHISLs should display:

• Safeguard patient safety

• Demonstrate high levels of integrity

• Ability to collaborate with clinicians

• Be an innovator/enabler within organization

• Understand the role of information security in the healthcare ecosystem

HCISPP/CISSP to CHISL Candidate Requirements

A CHISL candidate must:

• Possess a baccalaureate degree or be enrolled in baccalaureate program

• Meet minimum experience requirements:

  • One (1) year healthcare working experience
  • Three (3) years working in information security (1-year minimum leadership required) Qualified experience within the last six years.


• Complete the CHISL application and enrollment fee

• Attest to uphold the CHIME Professional Standards of Conduct

Becoming CHISL certified with HCISPP/CISSP:

• Meet the above requirements and submit application with reduced $299 enrollment fee (examination included)

• Successfully pass the Certified Healthcare Information Security Leader (CHISL) supplemental examination

Program enrollment is active for 6 months.

The CHISL supplemental Exam will need to be completed within those 6 months


The CHISL supplemental examination consists of 60 multiple choice questions, including scenario-based and independent questions. The examination will be taken without the aid of study guides or other resources. The exam must be completed within 1 hour. The CHISL supplemental examination is offered at CHIME U from the comfort of your home or office.  Because the CHISL supplemental examination is designed to test one's experiance rather than recall, it is important to note that there are not any teaching compents in program enrollment.

Exam Study Materials

Upon enrollment into the CHISL program you will receive a link to the CHISL exam study materials. These materials include the CHISL reading materials divided by domain, a CHISL practice exam and the CHISL blueprint.

To maintain/renew your CHISL status:

Complete 45 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Submit renewal/maintenance fee of $199

Adhere to the CHIME Professional Standards of Conduct

CHIME is responsible to its members, candidates and the profession for ensuring the integrity of all certification programs. As part of the application process, all candidates must agree to the Certification Professional Standards of Conduct.

An individual pursuing the desired certification credential are to uphold the following professional standards of this program:

  • Be truthful in all communications related to the application
  • Abide by the rules and regulations for taking the examination
  • Do not participate in activities that may be unethical or jeopardize the integrity of the exam or violate an honest assessment
  • Abide by the eligibility rules and regulations governing the program
  • An individual awarded the desired certification credential agrees to conduct himself/herself in an ethical and professional manner. Certified individuals agree to uphold the following professional standards of this program:

  • Conduct professional activities with honesty, integrity and respect that reflects well on the program
  • Uphold the image of the CHCIO, CHISL, or CDH through positive interaction with others
  • Be truthful and timely in all communication as it relates to the renewal of the credential
  • Accurately report time spent on professional development activities
  • Do not falsify documents
  • Abide by the eligibility rules and regulations governing the program
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Do not participate in activities that may degrade the credibility of a peer
  • Honor professional confidences
  • Do not misrepresent the credential if not eligible for recertification
  • Individuals found to be in violation of these standards may have their credential revoked and/or renewal denied. Some violations may be considered grounds for revoking CHIME or CHIME Foundation membership. Such cases will be forwarded to the governing committee for further review.

    Price: $299.00
    No. Seats: